How do waiting lists work?
SharkyScanner is able to get you in line for empty tables along with other SharkyScanner users. To make it work, check the Get in line for empty tables option at the Waiting lists page and, on the list below, specify tournaments you want to get in line for. The Automation → Register automatically option must be checked as well.
As soon as the application spots a tournament that is specified at the Waiting lists page in the lobby, it adds you to the waiting list of this kind of tournaments. Once you're first in a line, SharkyScanner begins looking for an empty table and registers you in it once one's spotted. You can join a waiting list only once for a certain tournament type (tournaments differ in game/limit, buy-in, maximum number of players, and speed). To make this feature work better, configure you poker client lobby filter so that the list of tournaments contains only those tournaments you play and does not contain already running tournaments.
Reserving a place
If you're currently first in a line but there's no possibility (for example, if another lobby tab is selected) or no need to register in a tournament due to the table limit or due to the constraints on the total number of open/registered tables, then SharkyScanner reserves your current place in this line and you begin letting following users go ahead. As soon as registration is needed again, you get back on your reserved place in the line and stop letting following users go ahead.
Leaving a waiting list
You lose your place in a line and go to the end of it in the following cases:
- you've been automatically registered in a tournament;
- you've manually registered in an empty tournament;
- you've manually given your place away manually using the context menu in the waiting lists window.
Pausing automatic registration in tournaments
In order to pause auto-registration in waiting lists but keep advancing in a line, double-click on the waiting lists window or turn automatic registration off by clicking in the main window. To resume auto-registration, do the same again.
You can find settings referred to waiting lists by clicking on Options in the main window and going to the Waiting lists page.
If you just want to get in line for all of the tournaments you have in the lobby, just delete all of the items on the list, click + and then Save in the appeared window.
If you want to specify registration conditions and/or set different table limits for different tournaments, then do the following for every of those tournaments:
- click + to add tournaments you want specify conditions and/or set a table limit for;
- if tournaments in the lobby differ in some parameters (Size, Buy-in, Speed, Game, Limit), specify parameters that distinguish needed tournaments from others;
- in order to set a table limit, click on the field to the right of the Register up to option and enter the needed number of tables (if the Register up to the general table limit option is checked, then the application will keep registering tournaments up to the limit specified at the Session page);
- if you want to stop registering tournaments when a certain number of played (and/or registered) tables is reached, then in the field on the right of to, enter the maximum number of played (and/or registered) tables to keep registering in the specified above tournaments;
- if you want to start registering tournaments only upon reaching a certain number of played (and/or registered) tables, then in the field on the left of to, enter the minimum number of played (and/or registered) tables to start registering in the specificed above tournaments;
- click Save.
Note that there's also a general limitation on the number of tables played at the same time set at the Session page. If you set different table limits for different tournaments, don't forget to change this general table limit so that it doesn't interfere with registration (in case it's less than the sum of table limits specified at the Waiting lists page).
Also note that in case of enabled waiting lists feature, SharkyScanner keeps operating in the mode specified at the Tournament search page. For example, if the Tournament search → Specify criteria of suitable tournaments → Empty tables option is selected, then SharkyScanner will be instantly registering you in any empty tournament if it's not specified at the Waiting lists page. If you don't want the application to operate in any mode but waiting lists, select No tournament search / waiting lists at the top of the Tournament search page.
- you can control waiting lists during the scan — right-click on an item in the waiting lists window to see the options;
- be sure to turn off the option of filtering tournaments by the minimum number of enrolled players (in PokerStars clients it's used in the “All Games” tab — click on the filter icon above the “Save Filter” button and uncheck the “Min. players enrolled” option);
- your place in a waiting list at the moment of joining it is determined by the time elapsed since the last registration in rotation in that waiting list — the more has time passed, the higher your place is;
- if you use the Tournaments are in order of registration priority option, sort the tournament list in the main lobby so the priority tournaments are on top of it;
- if you manually unregister from a tournament, SharkyScanner won't be registering you in this tournament in rotation even if it's empty;
- SharkyScanner doesn't take into consideration waiting lists of third-party software;
- there's a limit of 10 connections to the waiting lists server from a single IP address.